Our Culture

Working for CoreCivic

At CoreCivic, we know that our greatest asset is our employees. 

For us to achieve our mission of helping our government partners better the public good, we must all be committed to the highest standards of professionalism. To assist with this, we launched a set of principles that guide our expected behaviors and enhance our culture. We call these the B8 Leadership Principles. They include:

Be Communicative - Be Respectful - Be a Good Decision-Maker - Be Positive - Be Humble - Be a Situational Leader - Be an Active Participant - Be Aware

Our employees have shown that the B8 Leadership Principles are invaluable. It is clear that our employees are not granted their status by their position, but rather by following these leadership principles. We strongly believe that these principles will help us all understand how to treat our peers and those entrusted in our care. 

Anyone at CoreCivic can be a leader at any given time and we are proud that our B8 Leadership Principles help guide us.